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Data Interpretation And Data Sufficiency | Data Sufficiency

Q. No. 43:If y = 2x, then
Statements :
I. siny = 2tanx/ (1+tan2 x)
II. cosy = 2tanx/(1-tan2 x)
A :
If statement I is true but not the other one.
B :
If statement II is true but not the other one.
C :
If both the statements are true
D :
If neither of the statements is true
Q. No. 44:If Beena spent Rs 400 of her earning last month on rent, then how much did Beena earn last month ?
Statements :
I. Beena saved 1/3 of her earning last month and spend half of the remainder on rent.
II. Beena earned this month twice as much as last month.
A :
If statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
B :
If statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
C :
If both the statements together are sufficient, but neither statements alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
D :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
Q. No. 45:At a restaurant, Harish left a trip for the waiter equal to 20 percent of his entire dinner check, including tax. What was the amount of the dinner check ?
Statements :
I. The sum of the dinner check and the tip was Rs 16.80.
II. Harish's tip consisted of two bills and four coins.
A :
If statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
B :
If statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
C :
If both the statements together are sufficient, but neither statements alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
D :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
Q. No. 46:Paul jogs at a constant rate for 80 minutes along the same route everyday. How long is the route ?
Statements :
I. Yesterday, Paul began jogging at 5:00 pm.
II. Yesterday, Paul had jogged 5 miles by 5:40 pm and 8 miles by 6:04pm.
A :
If statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
B :
If statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
C :
If both the statements together are sufficient, but neither statements alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
D :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
Q. No. 47:At company R, the average age of executive employees is 54 years old and average age of non-executives employees is 32 years old. What is the average age of all the employees at company R ?
Statements :
I. There are 10 executive employees at company R.
II. The number of non-executive employees at company R is four times the number of executive employees at company R.
A :
If statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
B :
If statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the given question.
C :
If both the statements together are sufficient, but neither statements alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
D :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the given question.
Q. No. 48:At ABC Corporation for a resolution to become policy, a quorum of at least half of the 20 directors must pass the resolution by at least a two third majority. Did resolution pass or fail at a meeting of the Board of Director ?
Statements :
I. Ten directors voted for the favour of resolution.
II. Seven directors voted against the resolution.
A :
If statement I by itself is sufficient to answer the given question.
B :
If statements II by itself is sufficient to answer the given question.
C :
If both the statements I and II taken together are sufficient to answer the given question but neither statement by itself is sufficient.
D :
If both the statements I and II taken together are not sufficient to ans the given question and more data is required.
Data Sufficiency