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Intelligence And Critical Reasoning | Analytical And Puzzle Reasoning

Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follow :

Mayor, Avinash, Govind, Alok, Mahesh, Nikhil and Mohit are seven friends. They are studying engineering in different branches of Mechanical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, IT, Bio-Tech and Electrical, not necessary in the same order. Each of them also excels in one of the following games : Football, Cricket, Hockey, Badminton, Squash, Volleyball and Lawn tennis, again not necessarily in the same order. Govind plays hockey and he neither studies Electrical nor IT. Mahesh studies Electronics and plays Volleyball. Mayor studies Boitech and does not play either Football or Squash. The one who studies Chemical plays Cricket. The one who plays Football studies Computer Science. Nikhil plays squash. Mohit plays Badminton and studies Electrical. Alok does not study Chemical.

Q. No. 1:Which of the following games does Avinash play ?
A :
B :
C :
Cricket or Football
D :
Data inadequate
Q. No. 2:What does Nikhil study ?
A :
Computer Science
B :
C :
D :
Data inadequate
Q. No. 3:What does Govind study ?
A :
B :
C :
D :
The question given below are based on the following information ::
i) Five girls - Seema, Reema, Neeta, Mona and Vena have total five tickets of movie theaters - Priya,Chanakya, M2K, PVR Saket, Styam where movies- Gangster, Khiladi, Hero, Saalaam Namaste
and Iqbal are currently playing. Each girl has one movie ticket of one of the five theaters.
ii) Movie Gangster is running in Priya theater whose ticket is not with Veena and Seema.
iii) Mona has ticket of Iqbal movie.
iv) Neeta has ticket for the M2K theater. Veena has the ticket of Satyam theatre where Khiladi is not running.
v) In PVR Saket theater Saalaam Namaste is running.

Q. No. 1:Which is the correct combination of the Theater - Girl - Movie?
A :
M2K - Neeta - Hero
B :
Priya - Mona - Gangster
C :
Satyam - Veena - Iqbal
D :
PVR Saket - Seema - Saalam Namste
Q. No. 2:Which movie is running in Chanakya?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Data inadequate
Q. No. 3:Who is having the ticket of the movie Hero?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Answer the questions based on following information ::

Four persons (1) Mohit, (2) Manohar, (3) Prasant and (4) Dinesh each had some initial money with them. They all were playing bridge in a way that the lower doubled the money of each of the other three persons from his share. They played four rounds and each person lost one round in the order 1, 2, 3 and 4 as mentioned above. At the end of fourth round each person had Rs. 32000/-.
Q. No. 1: What was the amount with Mohit to start with?
A :
Rs. 60000
B :
Rs. 34000
C :
Rs. 66000
D :
Rs. 80000
Q. No. 2:What was the mount with Manohar at the end of first round?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 3:Who had the lowest amount at any round of play throughout the tournament?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 4:What was the amount with Prasant at the end of the second round?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 10:All employees have to pass through three consecutive entrance doors to enter into the office and one security guard is deployed at each door. These security guards report to the manager about those who come to office after 10 AM. Ms. Rani is an employee of this office and came late on the annual day. In order to avoid report to the manager she had to pay each security guard half of the money she had in her purse and 2 rupees more besides. She found only rupee with her at the end.
How much money Ms. Rani had before entering the office on the annual day?
A :
Rs. 40
B :
Rs. 36
C :
Rs. 25
D :
Rs. 42
The question given below are based on the following information ::

Director of an institute wants to distribute teaching assignments of HRM, Psychology, Development Studies, Trade policy and Finance to five of six newly appointed faculty members. Prof. Fotedar does not want any assignment if Prof. Das gets one of the five. Prof. Chaudhury desires either HRM or Finance or no assignment. Prof. Banik opines that if Prof. Das gets either Psychology or Trade Policy then she must get the other one. Prof. Eswar insists on an assignment if Prof. Acharya gets one.

Q. No. 1:Which of the following is a valid faculty-assignment combination if all the faculty preferences are considered?
A :
Prof. Acharya-HRM, Prof. Banik-Psychology, Prof. Chaudhury-Development studies, Prof. Das- Trade policy, Prof. Eswar-Finance
B :
Prof. Chaudhury-HRM, Prof. Das-Psychology, Prof. Acharya-Development studies, Prof. Banik- Trade policy, Prof. Eswar-Finance
C :
Prof. Acharya-HRM, Prof. Banik-Psychology, Prof. Eswar-Development studies, Prof. Das- Trade policy, Prof. Fodetar-Finance
D :
Prof. Banik-HRM, Prof. Fotedar-Psychology, Prof. Eswar-Development studies, Prof. Chaudhury- Trade Policy, Prof. Acharya-Finance
Q. No. 2:If Prof. Acharya gets HRM and Prof. Chaudhury gets Finance, then which of the following is not a correct faculty-assignment combination assuming all faculty preferences are considered?
A :
Prof. Das-Development Studies, Prof. Banik-Trade Policy
B :
Prof. Fotedar-Development studies, Prof. Banik-Trade Policy
C :
Prof. Banik-Development Studies, Prof. Eswar-Trade Policy
D :
Prof. Banik-Development Studies, Prof. Das-Trade Policy
The question given below are based on the following information ::

Five women decided to go for shopping to South Extension, New Delhi. They arrived at the designated meeting place in the following order: 1. Aradhana, 2. Chandrima, 3. Deepika, 4. Heena, and 5. Sumitra. Each of them spent at least Rs. 1000. The woman who spent Rs. 2234 arrived before the woman who spent Rs. 1193. One of them spent Rs. 1340 and she was not Deepika. One woman spent Rs. 1378 more than Chandrima. One of them spent Rs. 2517 and she was not Aradhana. Heena spent more than Deepika. Sumitra spent the largest amount and Chandrima the smallest.

Q. No. 1:What was the amount spent by Heena?
A :
Rs. 1193
B :
Rs. 1340
C :
Rs. 2234
D :
Rs 2517
Q. No. 2:Which of the following amount is spent by one of the women?
A :
Rs 1139
B :
Rs 1378
C :
Rs 2571
D :
Rs 2518
Q. No. 3:The lady who spent Rs. 1193 is:
A :
B :
C :
D :
Analytical And Puzzle Reasoning