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English Language | Arrangement

Q. No. 19:1). This man usually knocks on your door in the evenings.
2). Of his educational background, he reveals nothing.
3). He carries a briefcase that bulges around the middle and seems to come off at the clips.
4). Or he approaches you during the lunch break at the office.
5). The image of the traditional insurance agent is all too familiar.
6). In it, the 'LIC agent' carries an incredible quantity of papers.
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Q. No. 20:1). Only when you jump off the edge are you exposed to these uncertainties and take a personal risk.
2). You will be extremely uncertain about your safety. The rope could be too long or too frail and could put your life at risk.
3). But suppose they did imagine yourself taking your first jump.
4). Just kidding.
5). Till you jump, these risks remain hypothetical.
6). A little birdie from the tourism ministry tells us that they are going to throw open the Qutab Minar to bungee-jumpers.
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Q. No. 21:1). This was where he went wrong..
2). Mr. Nivas on the other hand, was slowly and steadily gathering support among the dissenters.
3). Mr. Satish thought that all the upheavel against him was only a storm in a teacup.
4). Mr. Satish was totally taken by surprise.
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Q. No. 22:P). The Bangkok conference was significant in more than one.
1). It revealed the steady environmental degradation, an alarming rate of deforestation and growing problems of urbanisation.
2). There were many associated events like an NGO-media symposium, a seminar for the private sector and finally the ministerial conference.
3). Among the many significant documents discussed in the multisectoral conference was the 1995 State of Environment report.
4). They were sponsored jointly by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and Asian Development.
Q). Such vital problems were discussed at the meet, by the seniors officials first, followed by the ministers.
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Q. No. 23:P). The cinchona tree was first introduced from South America into South India in 1860 by Sir Clement.
1). In due course the demand and price fell resulting in no gain in maintaining those plantations.
2). The earlier rather small experimental plots were later developed into large scale plantations in Nilgiri Hills.
3). Then the Madras government ordered the closure of the Cinchona Department and handed over the land for tea cultivation.
4). Subsequently they were extended to Darjeeling Hills in West Bengal.
Q). In view of resurgance of malaria, it is not too late to review the Cinchona plantations and manufacture all our requirements of quinine.
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Q. No. 24:P). Fashion is deemed to be the art of creative design and fashion garments are often the cynosure of many eyes.
1). This art of fine dressing is indispensable for the appearance-conscious youngster.
2). Designers tend to transform more clothes to fashion garments using their signature styles.
3). Both the high society adult as well as the fun loving youngster wants to be a part of this firmament.
4). Styles that sum the market compel the fashion conscious to buy these original creations.
Q). With 'pret-a-porter' making inroads, fashions is accessible to youngster today.
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