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English Language | Deriving Conclusion From Passage

Q. No. 19:1). The quality of your result is directly proportional to the quality of conversations that you have. The quality of your conversations is directly proportional to the quality of questions that you ask.
2). That applies not only to business, but life in general. It’s used a great deal in selling and also in consulting. And learning leaders often do a great deal of selling and consulting.

Which of the following is true?
A :
The point above in (2) contradicts the speaker’s argument in (1).
B :
The point above in (2) extends the speaker’s argument in (1).
C :
The point above in (2) is similar to the speaker’s argument in (1).
D :
The point above in (2) concludes the speaker’s argument in (1).
Q. No. 20:In Sanskrit language three types of action are described. Karma refers to pious actions. Vikarma refers to impious actions. And Akarma refers to devotional or transcendental actions. Akarma means “inaction” because it is an activity that does not generate any karmic reaction. Whether we perform karma, pious activities, or we perform vikarma, impious activities, we must stay in the material world to accept our good or bad reactions. Even if we are rewarded with good reactions such as being born in a wealthy family, still we have to get sick, get old, and die.

Which of the following best summarizes the above paragraph?
A :
Although pious activities are very much celebrated, they are not as beneficial as people take them to be.
B :
Welfare activities are important
C :
Akarma delivers you to the spiritual world for an eternal life, full of bliss, and full of knowledge
D :
We should accept the pathway of karma, a pure devotional service
Q. No. 21:Through the Law of Change, the habits of men , which do not conform to the overall pattern and purpose of the universe, are periodically broken by wars, epidemics of disease, drought, and other irresistible forces of nature which force man to free himself from the effects of his follies and start all over again. The same of Law of Change which levels the peoples of all nations to the baseline of overall plan of the universe, applies with equal force to the individuals who fail to interpret and adapt themselves to Nature‘s Laws.

Which of the following can be concluded from the caselet?
A :
Conform to the overall plan or perish is Nature‘s warning
B :
The shocks and disappointments in human relations are designed to shake man loose from habits to benefit by better habits of growth
C :
The whole purpose of education, is to start the mind of the individual to growing and developing from within
D :
The mind to evolve and expand through constant changes in the thinking processes is nature’s plan
Q. No. 22:The chupacabra (“goat sucker”) is an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico, Miami, Nicaragua, Chile, and Mexico. The creature’s name originated with the discovery of some dead goats in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds in their necks and their blood allegedly drained. According to UFO Magazine there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico attributed to the chupacabra.

The above passage appears to be an attempt at:
A :
Establishing an alien presence
B :
Establishing the existence of anomalous biological entities
C :
Deriding theories of unusual occurrences
D :
Reporting bizarre happenings
Q. No. 23:Employee recognition can help companies build and maintain engaged workforces that are productive, conscientious and loyal. But to be effective, recognition programs must touch a large portion of the workforce, emphasize timely acknowledgement and allow organizations to reap benefits that enhance the employer-employee relationship. When employee rewards and recognition initiatives are discussed with senior management, office parties and one-off gift certificates typically come to mind.
Efforts often involve discretionary spending without measurable outcomes or business impact. Long-term strategic planning often is neglected, putting the value and  sustainability of recognition and rewards programs at risk.

A person seeking to defend the argument that employee recognition initiatives are effective might argue that :
A :
Employee recognition is gaining ground these days. 
B :
Employee recognition in whatever form is a solace for most.
C :
Employee recognition helps organizations garner huge advantages. 
D :
High attrition rates deter long term planning.
Q. No. 24:During the past 20 years, the audience for public radio has increased by 500%, and currently, there are nearly 30 million weekly public radio listeners. While many of us rely on public radio for unbiased and in-depth news, diverse music, and cultural programming, there are still millions of people nationwide who have limited access to public radio programs. Thus, with additional public radio stations and program options, more people could connect to their communities and world through the voices of public radio.

Which of the following is true?
A :
The point above contradicts the speaker’s argument
B :
The point above extends the speaker’s argument.
C :
The point above is similar to the speaker’s argument.
D :
The point above concludes the speaker’s argument.
Deriving Conclusion From Passage