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Data Interpretation And Data Sufficiency | Data Sufficiency

Q. No. 133:If a, b, c are integers, is (a - b + c) > (a + b - c)?
I. b is negative
II. c is positive.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Q. No. 134:What is the Selling Price of the article ?
I. The profit on Sales is 20%.
II. The profit on each unit is 25% and the Cost Price is Rs. 250.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Q. No. 135:A tractor travelled a distance of 5 m. What is the radius of the rear wheel?
I. The front wheel rotates ―N times more than the rear wheel over this distance.
II. The circumference of the rear wheel is ―t times that of the front wheel.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Q. No. 136:What is the ratio of the two liquids A and B in the mixture finally, if these two liquids kept in three vessels are mixed together? (The containers are of equal volume)
I. The ratio of liquid A to liquid B in the first and second vessel is, respectively, 3: 5, 2: 3.
II. The ratio liquid A to liquid B in vessel 3 is 4: 3.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Q. No. 137:What is the number of type 2 widgets produced, if the total number of widgets produced is 20,000?
I. If the production of type - 1 widgets increases by 10% and that of type-2 decreases by 6%, the total production remains the same.
II. The ratio in which type - 1 and type - 2 widgets are produced is 2 : 1.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Q. No. 138:How old is Sachin in 1997?
I. Sachin is 11 years younger than Anil whose age will be prime number in 1998.
II. Anil‘s age was a prime number in 1996.
A :
If both the statements together are insufficient to answer the question.
B :
If any one of the two statements is sufficient to answer the question.
C :
If each statement alone is sufficient to answer the question.
D :
If both the statements together are sufficient to answer the question, but neither statement alone is sufficient.
Data Sufficiency