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Mathematical Skills | Time and Work

Q. No. 1:Among four persons Prince, Queen, Raj and Sashi. Prince takes thrice as much time as Queen to complete a piece of work. Queen takes thrice as much time as Raj and Raj takes thrice as much time as Sashi to complete the same work. One group of three of the four men can complete the work in 13 days while another group of three can do so in 31 days. Which is the group that takes 13 days.
A :
Prince, Queen, Raj
B :
Prince, Queen, Sashi
C :
Queen, Raj, Sashi
D :
Prince, Raj, Sashi
Q. No. 2:A factory produces nuts and bolts. A machine in it produces only nuts while another produces only bolts. The machine producing only nuts produces 400 nuts per minute and need to be cleared for 15 minutes after production of 2000 nuts. The machine producing only bolts produces 300 bolts per minute and needs to be cleared for 15 minutes after production of 3000 bolts. Find the minimum time required to produce 12000 pairs of bolts and nuts if both machines are operated simultaneously.
A :
85 minutes
B :
105 minutes
C :
100 minutes
D :
115 minutes
Q. No. 3:Abhishek starts to paint a fence on one day. On the second  day, two more friend of Abhishek join him. On the third day 3 more friends of him join him and so on. If the fence is completely painted this way in exactly 20 days, then find the number of days in which 10 girls painting together can paint the fence completely, given that every girl can paint twice as fast as Abhishek and his friends(Boys)?(Assume that the friends of Abhishek are all boys).
A :
20 days
B :
40 days
C :
45 days
D :
77 days
Q. No. 4:A man takes 20 days to reach the point B under normal circumstances. But, due to the increasingly hostile weather conditions the distance they travel every day reduces by 20%. In how many days would the man reach the point B, taking into consideration weather conditions?
A :
B :
C :
D :
None of these
Q. No. 5:A work is done by 30 workers not all of them have the same capacity to work. Every day exactly 2 workers, do the work with no pair of workers working together twice. Even after all possible pairs have worked once, all the workers together works for two more days to finish the work. Find the number of days in which all the workers together will finish the whole work?
A :
B :
C :
D :
Q. No. 6:There are four varieties of pipes Pipe A, Pipe B, Pipe C and Pipe D. Each pipe can be either an inlet pipe or an outlet pipe but cannot be both. there are 5 tanks of equal volume.
Tank P is filled by Pipe A and Pipe B
Tank Q is filled by Pipe A and Pipe C
Tank R is filled by Pipe A and Pipe D
Tank S is filled by Pipe B and Pipe C
Tank T is filled by Pipe C and Pipe D
Time taken for the first 3 tanks(P, Q and R) to get filled are in the ratio 1:2:4 and the time taken for the S and T tanks to be filled are in the ratio 7:10. Find the outlet pipes among the 4 varieties.
A :
Pipes C and D
B :
Pipe D
C :
Pipes A and B
D :
Pipe A
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Time and Work