Company Facts for ALSTOM India ltd

CEO: Patrick Kron

Placement Procedure: Edit

WRITTEN:- Aptitude and Technical
  • ETC:-(90 minutes 90 question)
    1. General Engineering Test: General engineering includes some questions related to basic science and technology total 45 questions
    2. Technical Test: Technical one consists of  45 core questions ,most of them are from microprocessor ,instrumentation,computer architecture..
  • EEE:- (90 minutes 90 question)
    1. General Engineering Test: 45 questions are given covering questions from all engineering branches.
    2. Technical Test( Electrical Engineering): 45 questions are given on Electrical subjects covering all the courses studied in every semester
  • Mechanical:-(90 minutes ,90 questions)
    1. Aptitude test based on the 11th and 12th physics,the  first year engineering subjects and the mathematics ( upto 2nd year engineering ).
    2. The technical paper covers all the fundamentals of the core subjects.
INTERVIEW:- Technical and HR
  • ETC:-microprocessors and memory management (computer architecture and organization), Projects/Training
  • EEE:- Power system, Network theorems, maintenance of steam turbine, turbo generator, transformer, circuit breaker, Control Systems, Power electronics and power system protection..Projects/Training
  • Mechanical:- Heat transfer, Subjects of your interest, Projects/Training

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Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

3.5 Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:



Control systems
Industrial Boilers
Pendolino Tilting Technology
Alstom’s wind technology
carbon capturing technology



Switching Option:

Jindal, power grid, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hyundai Rotem, Siemens Transportation Systems, Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

Working Hours:



81,500+ globally


* Services for Alstom and other OEM steam turbines and boilers
* Product retrofitting for nuclear and fossil steam turbines
* Maintenance, services, long term agreements (LTSA's), for Alstom, GE, and Siemens gas turbines
* Refurbishment of existing plants


Noida, Kolkata, Mumbai