Company Facts for FISERV INDIA LTD

Founder: Jeffery W. Yabuk
CEO: Jeffery W. Yabuk

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You have to sign a bond of Rs3 lac(+) to travel on site and must at least serve
twice the period of on site stay at India location after you return.

Fresher Package:

4.05 Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:

Good, Don`t expect any hikes during this period.


ASP.NET, ASP400, Information Technology


Don`t expect hikes more than 5% in a year

Switching Option:

Directi, Amdocs, Ibm, Fidelity etc

Working Hours:



1000 in India
16,000(world wide)


Architecture & Technology Services
Application Services
Testing Services
Business process outsourcing services
Consulting Service
Integrated BPO and IT services


Pune, Noida