Company Facts for CITRIX SYSTEMS

Founder: Ed Iacobucci
CEO: Mark Templeton,

Placement Procedure: Edit

There were 2 rounds of Aptitude Test.
The first was 1 hour...Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning and Technical knowledge in C programming...elimination round
The 2nd was also of 1 hour...the paper was of duration 1 hour and required coding solutions for 3 problems in the field of Data Structures using the C/C++ language. The questions were fairly simple and should not be too much of a problem if you have done Data Structures...and some networking problems..
2)INTERVIEW:-Technical and HR
There were 4 panels taking interviews simultaneously. The questions asked were pretty
Oriented Programming, definitions of Friend Functions, Overloading, Polymorphism, the different kinds of Inheritance, etc. A few questions on Coding and Time Complexity, Unix and the Kernel
Operating Systems and Data Structure...
HR:-The HR interview was only a formality...And only after that they think student will get through the cut...

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Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

8 Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:



C, C++, ASP .NET, Java, Windows XP, Windows 2003 or Windows 2000 configuration, Windows Active Directory, Networking, Operating Systems



Switching Option:

Amazon, HP, Microsoft, Google, Directi

Working Hours:



4,816 (December 2009)


Citrix Delivery Center is an application delivery system that transforms IT into an on-demand service by centralizing the management and delivery of applications and desktops, and integrating network optimization with application, desktop and server virtualization. Citrix Cloud Center (C3) is an integrated portfolio of Citrix products for cloud service providers that offers a complete set of service delivery infrastructure building blocks for hosting, managing and delivering cloud based Computing services
