Company Facts for Adhunik power & natural resources ltd

Founder: Mahadeo Prasad agarwal
CEO: Mr. Manoj Kumar Aggarwal

Placement Procedure: Edit

WRITTEN:- APTITUDE and technical questions
  • Section A:- Aptitude contains question from Logical  reasoning, verbal and Quantitative..
  • Section B:- Technical Contain question mainly from RCC, Structural, & Construction Technology .....and so
    • Pattern of the Question Paper is changed almost all the year...
    • In 2009 30 question on aptitude and 60 question on Technical was given in 1.5 hour
INTERVIEW:- Technical and Hr interview both
  • In technical mostly the question is asked from mainly from the subject on which the written paper is based
  • HR interview is quite simple. Just asked about youself.

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Bring this company to your campus (3 easy steps)
Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

4.2 Lpa in IIT, 3.5 in others

Onsite Opportunity:



Machinery line, Casting....
Technology plant includes DRI plant, Coal Washery, Blast Furnace, Electric Arc Furnace, Ladle Refining Furnace ,Continuous Casting facility ,Oxygen plant and a Captive Power plant....



Switching Option:

Jindal, Tata, Reliance, L& T....

Working Hours:



1000+ in adhunik steel


Manufacturer, Trading Company, Buying Office, Distributor/Wholesaler, Association....
Sponge Iron, Pig Iron, Billets / Blooms, Rolled Products, TMT Bars, Wire Rods, Transmission/ Mobile Towers


Kolkata, Durgapur, New delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Jamshedpur...