Company Facts for BIRLA SOFT

CEO: Arup Gupta

Placement Procedure: Edit

  • This consisted of 50 questions. 25 of verbal-quant and 25 technical questions.
  • Aptitude test
    • Quant : This portion has 15 questions of quant which covers topics such as percentage, ratio, mixture, profit loss AP and GP.
    • Verbal :The verbal is a bit easier with 10 questions.
  • Technical: It has all ques from C, specially covering "C Preprocessors and pointers". other than that there will be Java questions
INTERVIEW:- HR and Technical
  • Firstly the HR round is taken followed by the technical.
  • In HR the question what is asked is simple at all bu technical question can also be asked.
  • In technical interview basically question  asked is on C++, C, Data structure. They pick a question by seeing your CV, so do not write all the subjects you know well , only write about whatever you know the best.

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Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):



Yes, 2 yrs for niche technology

Fresher Package:

2.4-2.7 LPA ,Might rise 10-15% for subsequent batches

Onsite Opportunity:

Fairly Good


Mainframe, Oracle, Java, .Net, Cobol, Unix, SAP,DBA, IBM Websphere, Siebel,Data Warehousing etc.


Somewhat lower than others

Switching Option:

Infosys, Wipro, Aricent, TCS, and HCL InfoTech

Working Hours:

Flexi, 9 Hrs




ADM, Portfolio optimization, System integration, Testing


Noida, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad