Company Facts for ThoughtWorks Inc.

Founder: Neville Roy Singham
CEO: Trevor Mather

Placement Procedure: Edit

WRITTEN:- Aptitude and Technical test (Subjective)
  • (A)  Logical test
    Total question: 11
    Time duration: 1 hour 15 minute.
    (B) Coding test (c,c++)
    Total question: 2 (You have to solve only one)
    Time duration: 1 hour
    (C) Coding test in pair
    Time duration: 1 hour
INTERVIEW:-  Technical cum HR
  • C++, C, DS, JAVA,PHP, .NET(Programming based languages)...

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Bring this company to your campus (3 easy steps)
Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

5.75+ Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:



C++, Forte
Java, .NET, and Ruby comprise the bulk of our application development...Design and testing technology basically used in all the software companies...



Switching Option:

Anshin software, IBM, Amdocs, 3i Infotech...and so many software companies in all over the Globe...

Working Hours:



1000 (Jul 2008)


* Consulting
o Experience design
o Optimizing IT organizations
o Technology consulting
o Testing strategy
* Delivery
o Application development
o Offshore and distributed
o Our approach
o Support


Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Pune...