Company Facts for DUNNHUMBY

Founder: Clive Humby,Edwina Dunn
CEO: Edwina Dunn

Placement Procedure: Edit

1)WRITTEN:-Online test - 50 MCQs, 40 mins
General puzzles, reasoning and logic based questions...
2)GD:- Group Activity/Case Study round - Students were divided in to groups of 5-6 each. Each member of a group was given 10 pages with a case study and related statistics. This was to be analysed in 10-15 minutes and 4 question were to be discussed based on this. Around 40-50 minutes were given for the discussion.
3)INTERVIEW:-2 rounds(for lateral hires)
Round 1 involves a case study that you have to prepare (Case is given by Dunnhumby), a written SAS and general HR round.
Round 2 is a technical interview on stats and SAS

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Bring this company to your campus (3 easy steps)
Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):




Fresher Package:

CTC 6.0 LPA (2009 Joinees)

Onsite Opportunity:



SAS, Excel, Powerpoint


Quite Decent

Switching Option:

EYC, 5one

Working Hours:



50+ in India, 500+ worldwide


Retail, Manufacture, Consumer market, Retail Media...


USA, UK, France, Ireland, Italia, India(Gurgoan)