Company Facts for HEXAWARE Technologies

Founder: Atul Nishar
CEO: Mr Atul Nishar, P. R. Chandraseka

Placement Procedure: Edit

1)WRITTEN:-Technical:-55 questions in 1 hour
Questions are based on C and C++...
3)INTERVIEW:-HR and then Technical
HR:- In spite of HR they asked some technical question to..only basics
Technical:-C, C++, DBMS,DS, OS..major about training and projects...

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Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):



2 Years-2 Lakh

Fresher Package:

2.5 LPA (2008 joinees)

Onsite Opportunity:

Quite Good


Mainframes, Oracle Apps, SAP/ABAP, CRM, PeopleSoft


Just about fine

Switching Option:

CSC, Accenture

Working Hours:

Flexi !! 8 Hrs. Between (8-10 a.m. to 5-7 p.m)


5900 (As on 30 June 2009)


New Product Development Support Development :Incidents, Patches, Bundles Code Development - Maintenance of existing applications Engineering Services – Engineering Support Services Porting and Extensibility Sustenance, Testing: Quality Assurance and independent testing Integration: Enterprise Application Integration Implementation Support Upgrade Development : Upgrade labs for Support


Mumbai,Chennai, Pune, Bangalore