Company Facts for DELL

Founder: Michael Dell
CEO: Michael S. Dell

Placement Procedure: Edit

1)WRITTENThe Test Process and Pattern is explained below.
Aptitude test consisted of two sections:
A. General aptitude: (There are further 4 sections in this test)
a. 10 questions of series 1 mark each.
b. 10 questions of data sufficiency 2 marks each
c. 15 questions of time and work, ages, etc 3 marks each
d. 10 questions of c programming language, c++ (flowcharts, etc.) 5 marks each
B. English Section:The perot systems english test section was easy. There were 25 questions and a sectional cutoff is there too.
2)INTERVIEW:Technical and HR
In the technical interview, the most popular questions were about C language, C++, DBMS, Data Structures – DS and other basic IT, CSE branch subjects
Some tech is also there in the HR interview part and simple HR interview....

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Step 1: View Sample Papers
Step 2: Take an Online Test
Step 3: Forward your score from T & P and we will respond within 7 working days

Company Info: Edit this content

Share Price (at the moment):



2 year

Fresher Package:

2.5-3.0 Lpa

Onsite Opportunity:



Win2K, XP, Vista,


Brand matters

Switching Option:

IBM, Infosys, Tcs, Nokia siemens

Working Hours:



96,000 (2010)[


* Application Services
* Business Consulting
* Business Process Services
* Cloud-Based Services
* Configuration & Deployment
* Managed Infrastructure Services
* Support Services


Noida, Bangalore