CpjJwWHV's Interview
778 unique views

Company: Vedanta
Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

written test was conducted for the shortlisting.there were two papers- technical and aptitude..

Technical Interview

technical questions were from thermodynamics.basic questions like 0th law,1st law etc and 1-2 questions from theory of machines

HR Interview

HR questions were - introduce yourself,ur strength and weakness etc.


1. Confidence is must when you talk

2. you should be able to show the interview panel why you deserve this job.

3. good body language and talking your time to answer the questions they ask and
be honest
4. always be prepared for the interview which means keep your knowledge sound by studying, this always gives you confidence you need to face the interview

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

selection process was rigrous and had many criteria.Those who fulfill that criteria applied which were around 8-10. My rank was 5.From that only 3 got selected...
having satisfied those criteria was sufficient for them.moreover a confident interview was i think which made them impressed.

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