CpjJwWHV's Interview
1542 unique views

Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Was on the current topic.

GPA criteria


Technical Interview

1. Description of projects done
2. Solving of questions asked in written test

HR Interview

1. Why John Deere?
2. Tell me about yourself
3. Do you want to do Phd?
4. Long term and short term goals.


1. Describe projects and other experiences in such a way that the work you have done is relevant to the work profile

2. Confidence

3. Praise the company in HR

4. Show yourself ambitious/ interesting

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Initially around 50 appeared for written tests (1 and 2).

5 got final offers
My summer project and good communication skills.

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