English was easy for me..there were idioms,sentence correction,etc..No passage
Then was the technical..it was a mixed bag from OS,c,data structure. from data structure there were questions on post fix to infix,etc, in c there were "finding the output questions".It was easy.
Then was the maths section..it was very tough.questions on series were very tough,some were on volume,area,as well.
For the first time in my life,I met an interview where the interviewer gave me aptitude questions.
He gave me 4maths..i cud do 3
den came d technical interview questions.he asked me 14...i ansrd 13...
questions like...diff btwn malloc calloc, foreing key primary key,null pointer void pointer, features of oops,c output,etc.
Dis ws d last round...it was almost around 1o'clock at night..I ws interviewd by a young ma'm. "tell me about yourself","any future plans","asked me bout my colj programs"..as i ws d colj function anchor-as i wrote on my cv.
Finally she shook hands with me....& gave me a 5-6letter long form to fill up.
that's where my selection procedure ended.