CpjJwWHV's Interview
662 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Reasoning / Analytical : 40 Minutes 30 Questions
Verbal English : 35 Minutes 40 Questions

GPA criteria

(60% X) (60% XII) (65% Graduation)

HR Interview

Simple Round!!


The infy's written exam syllabus mainly covers the following topics:
Logical section consists mainly,

1. Odd figure out(from R.S Aggarwal)
2. 2 Puzzle test(from R.S Aggarwal)
3. Data sufficiency(not from R.S Aggarwal)
4. Data Interpretation(R.S Aggarwal quantitative)
5. Logic/Syllogism(R.S Aggarwal)(easy)(study 9 rules from rs aggarwal)

->Prepare for logical test from R.S Aggarwal verbal/non-verbal book.

Verbal section consists mainly,

1. Small comprehension(*)
2. Bigger compression
3. Sentence completion(fill in the blanks)
4. Error Detection(*)
5. Sentence improvement
6. Inference/Theme detection(deriving conclusions)(*)
7. Tenses
8. Prepositions

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