CpjJwWHV's Interview
1205 unique views

Company: NTPC Ltd.
Package: 7.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

They asked me Networking questions and some questions on Compilers. some simple questions like: 1. what does a
compiler do. 2.what are single pass and muliple pass compilers. 3.what is a parser. Coming to networking : What is the
protocol used to connect two computers. OSI layers TCP/IP layers. some questions on communications

HR Interview

1.The first question i faced is "You have started with very good cgpa. what happened later" as my cgpa graph is declining.
2.Who is the recent Indian cricketer who got place in indian cric team for srilankan tour. ans: it was ravinder jadeja i
answered they asked all his acheivements, what he is, which state, which place. I answered all those questions. They asked
me about cricket as am a college team cricket player.They asked some general knowledge questions to relax us. Overall its
so cool. They were friendly and said about their experiences with students who ask details about where they are going ot
be placed etc... Its much about test for your personality and humour.


Be descent and donot talk about the issues like : Where will i be placed. whats the salary/perks etc... as he told me in the
interview that many people will ask abt these details. Donot let ur chances go off easily... Its the best chance to get into a
prestigious company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Overall the interview is cool. All that you need is to be cool and confident with basics right in your pocket

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