CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Vedanta
Package: 3.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Well the questions in apti was pretty simple and had a lot of calculations. simple approach 2 solve a problem and sound
technique will sail u through the test with absolute no difficulty. There were in all 35 questions and i solved around 32-33
questions.. An average student should not have any difficulty in clearing this round of selection. Quant had simple
questions on time and distance, time and work, number of handshakes in a party , questions on divisibility and all. the di
was set was also pretty easy whcih consisted of only calculations nothing else.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Globalisation boon or curse..
Time Given : 15 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
The topic was Globalisation boon or curse..a boon or curse for the developing countries. I started by saying as to what
Globalisation actualy is and started giving examples as to how has its effect on the developing countries. Regarding india i
said about the nuclear deal and its consequences. Being abreast with the latest happenings sailed me through gd. One must
enter into a gd atleast 4-5 times to come under the eyes of the concerned panel.And must also allow other members to
share their views.Good communication skills mixed with good subjectual knowledge makes one sail through this round as
well. I entered into a gd 6 times and showed leadership skills by allowing other members of the group to tell their views. I
compared both the good as well as the bad aspects of globalisation and at last concluded that it depends on how to is used
for the development of a developing country .

Technical Interview

The interview panel asked me about my favorite subject. As vedanta is a mining major company, i told them my fav
subject to be extractive metallurgy as i had a course of 4 credits named UPEM(Unit Processes in Extractive Metallurgy)
and coroosion. They asked me to name all the types of corrosion which i told them . Then they asked me the whole process
of aluminium extraction.. (Aluminium , zinc and copper extraction must be studied before going into the interview of this
company), I told them this also. that was how mine technical interview went through.

HR Interview

In HR the 1st obvious question was to tell them about myself.Then they asked me about my hobbies, i told playing soccer
as i play in my department soccer team.Then i told them that i listen to old hindi melodies.HR in total was simple , they i
think just tested as to whether the candidate can freely express himself or not. They also asked me in the last to ask any
questions to them . They themselves told me that my take away home salary for the 1st 6 months shl be 23k per month. I
asked about the growth opportunities then they told me that its purely performance oriented .


As a metallurgist i shal say its the number company in mining sector and you must take this very seriously, bt the
seriousness should not affect your performance. A CORE company doesnt offer u better emoluments than vedanta and u
must brush through your al, cu and zinc extraction in full detail. For gd just be aware on the latest happenings and please
please open your mouth during gd if you want to clear this round , because once you clear this round and hav revised
things well i dont think that you shall not be able to make through this mining major company. Lastly i wish you all the
best for this company.. Cheers!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Well as the day progressed slowly had a feeling that i m going to make it to vedanta. My apti test was great, in gd also i
expressed my views in an excellent manner and the interview was very smooth.

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