CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Aricent
Package: 3.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

There was a written test at first.Those selected were then given a incident form to fill which basically had questions to teast how you dealt with various situations in life and whether you can work in a group or not. The incident from filling was just fro reference and didnt carry any weightage as such.
Written test had a question paper on C and another on quant. The C question paper basically tested the knowledge about the language and had some questions about Data Structures too.

Those who qualified the written, went till the interview as there was no further short listing in between.

Pattern of Group Discussion

The topic of GD was whether Republic Day celebration should continue or not.

Technical Interview

The technical questions centred on C language and Data Structure. In C he gave me some programs to write like that of Permutation of a number. Aked about trees and BST from Data Structure, later asked a few simple questions related to electronics like T flip Flop and D flip flop and difference between AM and FM

HR Interview

HR questions asked were Tell me about yourself, your weakness and strength. Then he asked me about some situations that I had mentioned in the incident form and questioned me on that.


Be confident, if you dont know the answer, say it that you dont know it.

Don't lie in your CV. They might cross question you and if you are not able to answer their queries, it will work against you.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Confidence and the experience of working in a team worked in my favour.

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