CpjJwWHV's Interview
929 unique views

Company: Wipro
Package: 3.35 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Test aptitude questions were pretty simple, Verbal were a little tough, Technical questions on C were also fairly simple.
there were 20,20 and 10 questions resp.

GPA criteria

Shortlisting was a 6 OGPA and no carry at the present.

Technical Interview

in Technical:
what is inheritance in C?
what is polymorphism?
write a sample program to show polymorphism?
what is a data structure?
types of data structure?
explain using diagrams trees and linked list?
Asked about my B.Tech Project?
Asked about my Past projects and questions related to it in detail.

HR Interview

Tell me about yourself.
describe your college in one word.
why wipro.
where do u see urself 5 yrs from now.
career goals.
and other few interactive questions i dont remember.


brush up the basic C and networking theory.
Recollect all data regarding your project and be ready for any sorts of explanations in the same.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

out of around 60 selected for interviews..19 were finally selected.
GPA wasnt much of a criteria I guess.
Project work was the only reason I was selected. It is very important to have a nice project and a detailed understanding if its working.

Communication skills is also important. Conversing well in English is always an added advantage in any interview. Confidence to say "I dont know the answer sir" also helped.

Luck and past achievements did not play much of a role.

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