CpjJwWHV's Interview
874 unique views

Company: CGI
Package: 3.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

technical interview-
1.language which is predecessor of c.
2.what are the applications of pointer.
3.what is the difference between - a[]="deepak" & *s="deepak" .what is the advantage of second one.
4.difference between .obj & .exe file .
5.difference between compiler & interpreter .
6.what is the use of make command (unix).
7.how bubble sort works.
8.two tabs of internet explorer are running on your computer how the data(requested by each tab) coming from server will reach correctly to the tab(how the data will be able to differentiate between tabs ).explain the whole process & which layer of TCP/IP architecture is involved.

HR Interview

hr interview
1.describe yourself.
2.what is your weakness.
3.tell us about your family.
4.you have given choice to join one of the three groups first one is expert, next is medium level & last one is poor(learning).which one you will join & why.
5.what are the three things which you consider them as most valuable to you.
6 what is the order according to you- family,organization,yourself & friends.
7 why your OGPA is poor.


got interview call through carrier-net consultancy.


1.Always carefully go through your CV before submitting it .you must know about things you have mentioned in your CV if you don't know then no need to mention.
2.during interview you must answer things confidently if you know then answer otherwise simply say sry.Never change your answers as that will make a bad impression.
3.one more important thing you take your time think about the answer frame it and then start answering that will make a good impression.
4.Always try to explain with examples & if you can explain the answer by relating it to the works you have mentioned in your CV then that will be much better. 5.you must listen the questions carefully & try to know what answer the hr is expecting & behave in same way whether question is easy or tough .
6.You must prepare for interview, first go through the company profile & you must know about the things which company care about or demanding in a candidate , second is your attitude (try to answer in positive sense )& u must improve your aptitude because that reflects that you have learning capability or not.
7.Always try to show that you are interested in the company & you are suitable according to company needs.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

total 160 students got call for interview process & around 25 were finally got the offer.
Something which helped really:
1.i have done well in hr interview as i am able to explain them my answers with suitable examples & i performed well in technical interview too.
2.one thing that i think that has made a good impression is at the end of hr & technical interview round they told me to ask if you want know anything >> i got opportunity to show my interest i have asked two questions one about job profile & next about what they look in a candidate.

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