CpjJwWHV's Interview
1152 unique views

Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Quantitative: easy questions which we can do in exact given time. Analytical/reasoning:easy but time taking can't do in
given time. Verbal English: average but people who prepared for CAT can easily do it. Technical: 60% hard with large
codes and miscellaneous questions in C.

Technical Interview

DATA STRUCTURES:Inorder,preorder,postorder traversals in trees. Basic definitions in trees,graphs. How 2 find
different paths for destinations in graphs. Explain abt the best code written in ur college. IN C,C++: Coding for finding no
of times a character repeated in astring, Coding for finding a substring in a given string, Differences in c and c++, About
polymorphism and its use in OOPlanguages..

HR Interview

About your family background and depending on the information given on resume.


Do all the questions given in Crack the Interview and DENNIS RITCHIE for C thats enough for technical interview and
written test, Do W::C riddles from the net so that analatical puzzels doesnot go beyond that it helps the most in interviews,
Study or do a large coding program such that it attracts interviewer attention.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Its very tensionsome in first 3-4 interviews. After that lot of confidence gained in me which helped me to get the job.

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