CpjJwWHV's Interview
1399 unique views

Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Verbal English :- Queations based on article,prepositions,Synonyms.And gave an passage,based on that 5 questions
Aptitude :- 15 questions Analytical :- Merit trac pattern Technical :- C or C++ or Java .Find outputs and some questions
based on unix.
Intially written test for 65 minutes.And in that first 3 sections are common to all. The Technical section we have to choose
C or C++ or Java.I choosen C. After written exam there are two technical interviews first one for 1hour 15 minutes,second
one for half an hour. After completion of these technical rounds,,H.R round is there.That is mainly for conversation with
H.R and total discussion was about CA.

Technical Interview

Mainly concentrated on Networking like ipv4,ipv6,Routing,Network layers,Topologies. In DBMS queries like finding nth
maximum or minimum,Joins,Normal forms,DBMS&RDBMS In DS asked about trees and real time applications of trees.
Some questions based on C,C++ and UNIX.Like what are the differences between C and C++. Asked me about the
projects what i have mentioned in Resume.And questions on the Subjects mentioned in Resume.

HR Interview

They asked me about intro.Agter that no more questions,but half an hour conversation takesplace between H.R and I ,that
was totally about company .Like what are the training details,and other related questions based on the technologies used in


Try to be top position in Written test,then only you can impress them at the intial round. In technical interview be confident
on the projects ,what you have mentioned in resume.They will ask more on projects. Networking and DBMS are very
important.Any one of C,C++,Java are o.k.And OOPs concepts are very important Some questions on UNIX,Shell
programming. If you r going to choose C language then Exploring in C is enough. for the written test.Please see the Merit
trac pattern questions.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

If we are good at fundamentals and in logic then it is not that much of tough to get CA.I felt very omfortable in Technical
rounds. H.R round was very nice,because no questions other than intro.I interaced with him about the Company totally.

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