What are your favourate subjects? (I said Communication Theory, micro Processors and Controllers and Computer
Architecture and Organisation) ....(1) Relate the bit error rate with SNR with exact equations? (2) What is the Shannon
theorem and explain? (3) For a good communication channel, what should be the bandwidth and SNR (more or less)? (4)
What if bandwidth is more? (5) What if bandwidth is less?(6) What are the blocks that the typical communication system
contain and draw them in the order? (7) Define the gain of the Antenna? (8) Draw the any flip-flop using gates? (9) What
is the drawback of SR ff?
Your CGPA plays significant role in your selection. Say only those subjects with which you are thorough with. If you
include communication theory as one of your favourate subjects, it may play some role. Be confident. ALL THE BEST my
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
I was asked my favourate subjects.Then, they noted down the my interest subjects and asked me in that order. They went
very deep into the communication theory subject which is one of my favourate subjects. They kept on extending the
questions depending on my replies. They only saw my approach and given me clues whenever necessary. To add more,
they mostly asked me from communication theory (You can see the questions that are posed to me) and very very less
from other subjects. But, for others, its just the opposite. Over all, my interview just went for not more than 15 minutes
where as others went for more than half an hour.