CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: CISCO
Package: 7.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

The paper was a mixed paper including equal number of quant and technical questions. All were Objective type.
Quantitative: Maximum questions in probability, few speed maths questions, Technical: It was a mix of Basic STLD,
Basic Networking, basic C and C++ programming, Microprocessors (8085,8086), Computer Architecture.

Technical Interview

ELECTRICAL: They asked me questions from electrical since my branch was EEE. They keep extending the questions
while you are answering a question. 1. Explain about the motor used in ceiling fans. 2. How is A.C current used to produce
Alternating rotational motion in a single direction even when it flows in both +ve and -ve direction. 3. How does a
domestic two way switch work. Explain using a simple circuit diagram. PROGRAMMING: 1. Are you an Object Oriented
Programmer or an embedded system programmer( basic c progemming). 2. Explain about pointers and how they work
using diagram. Uses of a pointer. 3. Write a swap program, a binary search tree, and explain the algorithms. All the
questions were extended WITH wuestions in between to make sure you are sure and clear about the subject
NETWORKING: 1. What is an exponential backoff. 2. What is a 3-way handshake. 3. How does a router work, which OSI
layer does it work in, why is it said that it works in that layer. 4. What is a subnet, how does a subnet mask work, what are
the uses of a subnet mask. 5. Explain about TCP connection, about DNS servers.

HR Interview

1. Why do you want to join CISCO. 2. What are your hobbies and some questions about them. 3. Why did you come to
NIT Warangal. 4. What was your greatest achievement after comin to NIT Warangal. 5. What if you won't make it through
this interview.


Practice a bit of quant questions. Brush up your knowledge of the above said subjects. Then you need to be really good in
any one of these -- Programming, Electronics, or Networking.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The process was very tough with an aptitude paper which tests your knowledge in lot of subjects and also your general
quantitative skills. The technical interview lasted around 45 minutes which seemed to go pretty fast from inside the panel
room. The atmosphere in the panel was cool and light which made the process not so stressful. The H.R interview lasted
for around 20 minutes and it was like a light conversation. After we were selected they took us for a dinner to Suprabha :) .

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