Selection Procedure: 1) Written round- both technical and quantitative+ english,etc., 2)Group discussion and 3) Personal Interview- both technical and HR
There is cumulative marking in each round and you are selected to the next round on that basis.
In written there were around 60 questions from technical side and another 30 questions from others including quantitative english.
Then about 9 students are selected for the PI round.
After you are selected for the interview, they gave a form to fill up. The form contains questions like SGPA & CGPA till previous semesters, your favorite subjects in each semester, any extra curricular activities, summer projects, extra skill etc. and in the interview the questions are mostly related to them.
in this particular company one can attend the interview by wearing any informal dress, but dressing is an important aspect in the interview. you should not be tensed and should try to have a smile in your face. good and thorough knowledge about your favorite subjects is also important.
And rest leave to GOD..... he will make everything happen GOOD for you
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
About 40 applied and my rank was 7. Finally 2 got selected.
good gpa, thorough knowledge about the subjects that i had written under the favorite subjects category, other achievements, etc. Also confidence and luck are important.