CpjJwWHV's Interview
1339 unique views

Company: Godrej & boyce
Package: 5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : "Are consumers really king in india???"

Technical Interview

1. fav subject? ans: conctrte technology 2. why?? ans:most widely used constuctin material.... 3.after the concrete is
prepared whot test u ll do on d field??// ans: slump test.... 4.describe various type of slump tests...their utility... 5. do u
know any project management software??? Ans: heard of primavera and seen d demonstration of Probid in a workshop
recenly held. (forgot to say abt microsoft project manager) 6. any knowledge abt any computer language?? Ans: only c and

HR Interview

1. tell me about urself. 2. Suppose u r given a project to do. how shall u proceed ??? .......decide ur goal first n set d time
frame . look at resources availabe. distribute d work so that u cud extract d best from everything u deal with. keep a look at
the progress of the work..... blaa blaaa 3. suppose u r d owner of a real estate firm. what shall u do to beat ur nearest
competitor??? ans: find his weak point n emphasize more on it.... 4. whot if he is at his best...... ans: c whot customers are
looking for. u provide some extra bnefits in ur apartment ... n gave some example... 5. u dont mind joining a company
dealing more with management rather than ur branch core??/ ans: not at all.management is a part of all engineering...... 6.
no problem with location ??? chennai, hyde... ans. no mam, thankq.


1. be kool.... 2. for tech convince them that u like :estimation n costing (in 4/1) and "cpmt (in 4/2)"... as these r d subjects
godrej mostly deals with.... 3. be confident while answering.... 4. if u dont knw something...tell politely that u ll learn it .
dont say rUDEly that u dont knw....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

we waited for very long n i was very tired.....but everything went welll....so i was relaxed at d end of d day.......

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