The first part consisted of 50 questions on general aptitude.The first few questions were on logical reasoning.They were
like two statements would be given and 1 conclusion would be given.We have to say whether it could be inferred from
statement 1 alone,statement 2 alone,both 1 and 2,or not any of them.....And there would be 4 statements.The if else type
statements.The question was to say which all statements could go together.There would be 4 options and we have to
choose which 1 option was correct.Then there were some questions like there would be 4 figures.Which 1 figure would
follow.There were some quantitative questions.And some question on number of triangles in the figure.And 2 quesions on
data sufficiency.The technical paper was aour choice.We could appear for either C,C++ or JAVA.I appeared in C.There
were quesions on pointers,outputs....I think there were 35 questions.I do not remember exactly.And some questions on
arrays and all.Basic C questions.And some on datastructures.
Name of the Topic / Task : Designing an ice cream parlour..
We were 12 guys total for the group task.....They divided us into 2 groups of 6 and 6.Then the 6 guys were divided into
two groups of 3 and 3.We were made to make an ice cream parlour from some toy like equipments they gave us.They gave
us some specifications and we had to make the parlour keeping them in mind....Like it should keep in mind the customer
demands and continuous supply.Then in the middle of our work,they told both of our 3 and 3 groups to integrate our work
and give a common presentation.I was mostly giving ideas on what all to do,how the ice cream parlour should operate and
all that.
There were 2 rounds of technical interview.In the first round,they asked me on all the topics of computer science like DS
,C,C++,how recursion call takes place and all that..Thy also asked on OS...Mostly they were quite basic questions.In the
next round of technical interview,they asked mostly on OOPS concepts.They asked me a lot on inheritance and virtual
functions.A little C and UNIX.They gave a number of questions on inheritance and told me to give their outputs and all
It was quite a long HR interview..They asked me about my achievements,my hobbies,which incident made me feel very
bad.How my manager should be......Where I see myself after 5 years....It was a routine HR interview.
The answers should be honest.You should not bluff.If you do not answer an answer,tell them that you do not know it.And
you should be very confident in your answer,In the HR interview,always stick to whatever you say.Never change your
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
The experience was very good..The questions were of a good standard,not very tough.The HR interview was very
good.They were mostly seeing our technical skills,personality and our behaviour.They also checked our leadership quality.