CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: PWC India
Package: 5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

not exactly the written test but it was Case study.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Yes..was based on current topic.

Pattern of Telephonic Interview


GPA criteria

top 3 student were selected based on GPA.

Technical Interview

I was asked about my second year training. About training they asked me about the processing plant, equipments used, ore etc.
Then they asked me some more technical questions like-
what is the difference between rod mill and ball mill?
Why GCV is used as a criteria to classify coal globally but in India we use UHV?-- I was unable to answer the question related to GCV so i frankly told them that I dont know after one guess.

HR Interview

-Initially I was told to introduce myself including whether I took IIT JEE coaching etc.
-I was asked about what I do as a class representative(CR) and what so great in being a CR?
-Don't your batchmates dislike you because you are a CR?

-I was asked to tell situation where I as a class representative favoured professors instead of students---for this I simply replied that "my batchmates dont want to do classes and I force them to do that.And this could be the reason that they may dislike me."
I spent about 15 min in interview room.


Case Study


Not in any job interview but was not offered PPO after internship in Tata Steel.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Company shortlisted candidates from different branches (mining,mineral,mining machinery,m.tech) on the basis of OGPA. Total 15 candidates were shortlisted.
Next rounds were -written(case study), and interview. My rank was 2nd among applicants.
Finally two were selected.

Interviewers were quite impressed by my increasing trend of GPA. I think being honest in interview helped me, I also gave funny answer like-"my batchmates dont want to do classes and I force them to do" which might have worked in my favour. I was able to answer all technical questions except one. Being a CR was also a favourable point(it showed leadership qualities).

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