CpjJwWHV's Interview
2383 unique views

Company: Aricent
Package: 3.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes 30 Questions
Reasoning / Analytical : 20 Minutes 20 Questions
Data structure: 30 Minutes 20 Questions
Technical c/c++/JAVA : 40 Minutes 30 Questions

Pattern of Group Discussion

"death sentence for murder is justified"
a brief idea about the topic was given in written..
8 persons group..4 in favor and 4 against..

GPA criteria


Technical Interview

basic c questions like various data types, different types of operators,
data structure questions from tree traversing,
different types of sorting..
from electronics wireless communication, different modulation techniques..

HR Interview

about yourself..
where do you see yourself after 5 years..
In what type of situations you cant work..
Explain a situation in which you were assigned a completely unknown task and you worked hard to accomplished it..
Explain a situation where you had to convince a group of people for new job which they had no idea about...
And similar few questions related to family background..


doesn't matter if you dont know extensive coding..
need to have elementary knowledge..
should be good at explaining your points mentioned in your resume and job interview form..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

written test:105( CSE / ECE / Math & Computing)
shortlisted for GD and PI: 56
final offers made :36

points worked in favour : good gd participation, influencing knowledge about project, confidence,good 10th and 12th marks

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