CpjJwWHV's Interview
584 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Quantitative : 80 Minutes -35Questions

Technical Interview

In the technical round i was asked a range of questions ranging from C, C++, DS, networks, os, dbms, java etc.
But all basic questions only, so if u know the basics u can easily crack it. For every question try to give some
answer even if u dont know the answer dont sit idle. And rest all will go on smooth. My interview lasted for 45 mins.
And for students other than cse they ask branch related questions also, so be prepared for it. For some students
there was this management round where they check ur managerial skills like given a situation what decision do u
take etc.

HR Interview

My hr interview was only for 15 mins. He asked me the basic question tell me about ur self. And then he asked a
question about some current affairs. And he asked me about my native place .


Be positive, show them u are really interested in this job and prepare C and C++ well.Sharpen your communication skills. You will get into any company you want.
ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF YOU. Hope v'll meet next year @TCS.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was a nice experience. Technical round was very easy and Hr was even easier. there were some questions for which i dint know the answer but dont worry u need not answer every question they ask so just chill and dont panic.

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