CpjJwWHV's Interview
490 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

I didn't go through the written test process as i was allowed directly to interview as i was having 75% though out my education.

Technical Interview

The interviewer asked about linked list in c programming, i just explained about the thing and rest of all are personal questions such as " Tell about u", "Why do u want to join software industry".
He completely observed how i am able to communicate with them

HR Interview

The same questions such as "Tell about your self" and " Why do u want to join IT industry", and several personal questions such as " How could you achieve these many medals in B.Tech(sports)"
Simply to say "A test of communication skill"


Have good academic background
Though you don't have great background everything is based on Analytical, Aptitude and your communication skills.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The interviewers give much importance to their academic background throughout, upon they will check your communication skills

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