CpjJwWHV's Interview
670 unique views

Company: Tata Motors
Package: 5.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

90 minutes - 72 questions

time limit for each ques.,more time on technical questions..regards to negative marking..u never really know if its der or not..
quant questions...had less time...we all struggled with dat..so generally quant wont make the diff..bt hose 5 in 1 ques..u'll get time..dont screw dem up..they'r easy..make sure u submit ur answer b4 tim runs out..technical ques will be the main thing..easy mostly...wide area...no numericals...
english was ok...sumtimes it took tym

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : IT boom..good or bad..
Time Given : 20 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
all of dem agreed it was gud..so i took the chance..and disagreed...i was the only one..so i got plenty of chance to put forward my thoughts..just spoke sum credible points..
stick to the basic rules...dont blurt out watever u feel..think abt wat ur saying..be confident...
most of all..dont be afraid to speak..the panel were nt professional hr's..dat made it easier..

Technical Interview

only 1 interview..both hr and tech were der...they took sum intrst in the electives.....which is normall..training also..wrkd in my favr that i did my traing in an automobles (all 4 had training in automobiles)..also helped that i read sum practical things..which i cud tell them..dat i guessed impressed dem..u shud always answer abt ur training..if u dont..it givs a bad impression..hr ques..nothing special just the usual..didnt make much of a diff..


keep track of the apti's of the company...several sites r der...questions match..
practice helped..wasn't my first interview..the experience helped...improve on ur previous mistakes..
try to be relaxed..helped me..
gud luck...

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