CpjJwWHV's Interview
875 unique views

Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 90 Minutes

Quantitative : 45 Minutes
Technical : 45 Minutes

Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The first round was General Aptitude test, had 30 questions, 45 minutes, no neg marks: comprising quantitative, reasoning/analytical, verbal . Questions: number theory(series, odd one etc.), set theory , permutation combination, simple arithmetic

The second round was Technical Aptitude 30 questions, 45 minutes, no neg marks. Questions on welding, CFD, thermodynamics, automobiles, strength of materials. Except CFD all had been covered till third year.

Though no. of questions relatively less, but quality was very good in both papers.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Comparison b/w Indian & foreign education system
Time Given : 10 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
I was the second person to talk. All the candidates were from our class and we had a very good understanding amongst us and gave everyone gave others equal opportunity to speak.

My first point was giving emphasis to literacy and reach of basic education to all and its importance for higher learning. I also mentioned factors like lack of incentive, leading to disinterest for teaching profession. I summarized by pointing out the limitations of Indian education system with developed countries and suggested that responsibility to correct them should be shared by educated people, the government, institutions and industry. I received compliment for my summary.

Technical Interview

The first was: tell us about yourself. Then, difference between mechanism and machine; about my FSAE project and role in it and on one Technozion robotics competition I participated in. Favorite subject: IC engines( was asked to talk about IC engines), why petrol is more expensive compared to diesel.
When asked about my plans for higher studies: I replied -- I do not want to go for it in the near future. However being a design job, I may in the future opt for it, if it will help me in my job.

HR Interview

Family background, tell about your most important achievements, why Tata tech? what is your career objective? (again) any plans for higher studies? When I was asked by the interviewer to bring out any queries, I asked: does a more highly qualified person has a relatively better career growth? Opportunities to be sent abroad?


Utilise your summer vacation to revise your core subjects, atleast those in the second year. Also do solve puzzles and other aptitude questions. I do not mean you should finish studying evrything before coming to college, but suggest to just your preparations in vaction, to be in a comfortable position.

Prepare well the core subjects ; be ready with one or two favourite subjects; try to give your best in the technical interview , the HR round usually went smooth for every one. However prepare well for typical HR questions. Always try to show the passion for your work in the company and the company itself. Relate your skills to your future work. never meet the company's ppt and collect adequate info abt the company: products, services, businesses etc.

Do not get disheartened if you are not selected by a company at any time( it is normal, but overcome that feeing); learn from your experience and prepare for other good or even better companies. Finaly it does involve luck.
So Best of Luck.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The panel was very supportive during the entire selection process. They made me comfortable for the interview. they focused primarily on the technical interview and those who cleared the technical round were offered job, without any elimination of anyone in the subsequent HR round.

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