CpjJwWHV's Interview
561 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

the eligibility criteria for appearing in this test was 65% through out in academic career.in written test ,there are two papers. first is logical reasoning type and second 1 ws verbal ability test..the first part is quite easy,any normal student can do well in that but the killing part was english portion that is second paper..bhai grammar mast se kar lo...and try to improve ur reading speed..thats it... no negative marking....

Technical Interview

technical n hr were combined
me:may i come in sir
hr: yes pls come n hav ur seat..(when i entered the old man was bit annoyed i dono y he ws...)
hr:tell me about urself?
me:answer it(pls prepare this question so well)
hr:show me ur cv..
wats ur pecentage?
then he asked me my college seminar conducted by me
me :answer it calmly
hr:ur biggest problem in ur life?
me:answer it.
hr:wats ur approach towards a problem?

HR Interview

technical n hr were combined
me:may i come in sir
hr: yes pls come n hav ur seat..(when i entered the old man was bit annoyed i dono y he ws...)
hr:tell me about urself?
me:answer it(pls prepare this question so well)
hr:show me ur cv..
wats ur pecentage?
then he asked me my college seminar conducted by me
me :answer it calmly
hr:ur biggest problem in ur life?
me:answer it.
hr:wats ur approach towards a problem?


yar its too easy to get into infy.what u need 2 do is just clear the written test..ur selection journey almost completes and if u hav good confidence and thodi bahut english bolchal u will get through...so guys ...all the best 2 u all...god bless u...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

the selection is process consists of two phases,written n interview..
in this massacre around 300 students were there..
in the first hurdle which is written test only 108 lucky persons survived,i was also one of them and in the written test i ws in top ten students and finally they called us for final fight whch ws interview and finally 79 most lucky students gt through this tedious process...thank god i was also one of them..
confidence,luck,keep ur mind calm..dont be rashed...

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