CpjJwWHV's Interview
656 unique views

Company: surya roshni
Package: 6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

Resume based shortlisting for PPT, then GD, finally interview.

Technical Interview

Induction Motor: Type of windings.
3. Anything you want to know about the company.
Difference between UPS and Inverter. (Time delays also)
Advantages of variable speed drives.
and many more...

HR Interview

Tell me sth about yourself that distinguishes you from the rest of the applicants.


Resume based shortlisting for PPT, then GD, finally interview


I would strongly recommend the readers few things
1. Make a group of 6-7 dedicated people and start practising GD's and interviews.
2. Mantain ur rank in class.
3. Be involved in xtra cirriculars to the xtent dat it does not compromise the above 2 mentioned things.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Many applied, about 15 shortlisted, 4 selected.
My resume, foremost. Further, better knowledge of subject and a bit of confidence. Also, less age, as I could think...

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