CpjJwWHV's Interview
856 unique views

Company: Essar oil
Package: 3.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

in technical interview , interviewer asked me as :
Have you done training in any company?
Tell how product form in that company ?
How can you relate your b.tech knowledge with industry ?
tell about functions and designing of distillation column ?
how can you use your technical knowledge in my petroleum industry ?

HR Interview

most of the questions in HR was related to my family problem because before one month of interview my father passed away and i have to take care of my family being elder one .
how are you managing your study and family ?
if we select you, you have to go your home regularly?
why would you like to join my company ?......


Fist for written : after taking admission in b.tech do not leave your analytical ability and totally depend on calculator . keep doing analytical and mathematical type short questions with reading regular news papers for improving English which also help in interview because all companies takes separate test of non- technical. keep your eye on syllabus also with short notes because you can not revise your whole syllabus in 5 to10 days.
for interview : your short notes, clear concept , little bit practical will give you confidence in technical interview . in HR try to be honest and disciplined . keep remember your meekness and strength .

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

In the selection process, company fist take on-line test in which time tracker is used in every question . interview followed it .In my branch there was only 19 student who able to fulfill the criteria of company . In which 5 student selected after written on-line exam. after interview 4 student got final selection .
I had been preparing for MBA by which my reasoning ,quanta and English was strong . and my basics technical was also clear . over all technical was average . and my confidence also help me too.

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