CpjJwWHV's Interview
720 unique views

Package: 4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 25 Minutes
Quantitative : Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : Minutes
Verbal English : Minutes
Technical : 25 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Written test is of two sets one technical and other aptitude(verbal,DI,reasoning)...technica l very easy and aptitude
moderate...every one were shortlisted

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : POWER SECTOR IN INDIA
Time Given : 10 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
It's a cool topic,i have a few statistics on it so i took the initiative.later we discussed about deficit power and
different sources of energy to be implemented to overcome the deficit...every one spoke in the gd and every one
got shortlisted for the interview in my group...

Technical Interview

HR gone through my resume and started asking on my projects..how power is being produced and can u explain
the whole process,why transformers are used and a few questions on IEEE standards and induction
motors....Bharat Bijlee is mostly on transformers and motors so be thorough in it...

HR Interview

it started with tell me about your self,family background,how this company suits you,are u ready to work anywhere
in india and i said yes so why dont you have problem,why not Mtech...i answered every ans smartly and satisfied
for every questn they asked...


Be confident in giving answers and make little difference in your answers with others.if u dont know the answer so
clearly tell that i am not able to recollect it now...give smart replies with a little smile on your face..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

whole process went good....my interview is very cool and they are friendly.

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