CpjJwWHV's Interview
945 unique views

Package: Confidential
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 20 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 0 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 70 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
In gen apti they asked questions on circle, probability etc. In technical there were three sections 1) Objective<br />
questions to find the output of simple c and c++ programs. 2) Write an algorithm to output next N PINDIGIT<br />
numbers of a given PINDIGIT number.3)Two questions of writting a program, i this we had to one only...One was<br />
to print a N*M matrix in spiril(hellical) order and the 2nd was some file manupulation questions..

Technical Interview

In technical interview they asked c, c++, OS , DBMS, SQL, about Project.They asked. 1)What are different types of<br />
joins.2)ACID properties 3)One to many relationship in sql.4)B+ trees 5)What is a process and how it is executed in<br />
os 6)How will you prevent deadlock 7) Some file system question from os 8)Puzzle-There are N coins out of which x<br />
are heads. A blind man has to divide these coins equally into two parts such that each side contain equal number of<br />
heads.9) Code of strcpy function 10) Database of Project 11) About the algo and code given in the written test.

HR Interview

No separate HR round was there. In technical interview itself one HR guy was there. But he did not ask any<br />


Prepare well C, C++, OS, SQL.. ALL THE BEST..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Around 50 applicants were there in the apti.. They sortlisted 16 students. Out of which finally they selected 5<br />
students.<br />
All the selected candidates were from CSE..<br />
The key point in interview is leaving a leagend at the end of your answer. Whenever any interviewer is asking any<br />
question if u dont know the answer clearly say i dont know but i know this this.. If u know,at the end just leave a<br />
legand so that interviewer will ask next question from that legand only.. Like in my interview he asked a question on<br />
process execution.. at the end i said sir there might a deadlock problem with the processes.. then he asked<br />
question from deadlock..

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