Sheet of paper has statements number from 1 to 20.Statement n says "At least n of the statements on this sheet are true".which statements are true and which are false.
a.The even no statements are true and the odd no statements are false.
b.the 1st 13 statements are false and rest are true.
c.the 1st 6 statements are true and rest are false
d.the odd no statements are true and even no. are false.
Asked by
CpjJwWHV   Option A : Statement 18 says that at least 18 statements are true...
But there is only 10 even numbers between 1 to 20..hence it is false.

Option B : The first 13 statement are false..what about 14..left statement be 7..statement 14,15...20 says at least 14,15,.....20 statements are true..hence this statement is false.

Option D : The odd statement are true hence, what about the statement is true says at least 17 statements are true.. Hence there is only 10 even statements....thus, this statement is also false.

Option C : At least 6 statements are true...Statement through 1 to 6 statements says true..according to the question.
Hence this statement is true...(ANSWER)
14 years ago
CpjJwWHV   what if ....Statement 18 says that at least 18 statements are true... and option C: .the 1st 6 statements are true and rest are false
14 years ago
CpjJwWHV   @khyati : didn't get you...
14 years ago
