Question: Write me a function that receives three integer inputs for the lengths of the sides of a triangle and returns one of four values to determine the triangle type (1=scalene, 2=isosceles, 3=equilateral, 4=error). Generate test cases for the function assuming another developer coded the function

Solution: Check for the 3 conditions to determine the triangle

1) if (a+b<=c||a+c<=b||b+c<=a)
not a triangle

2) if (a=b=c)

3) if(a==b||b==c||a==c)

scalene triangle

Test Cases

Test Input Expected Result
- ve element (-4,2,3) Error!

sum of 2 = to the 3rd (3,4,7) Error!

sum of 2 less than third (3,3,9) Error definitely

all three same (5,5,5) Equilateral

special characters (*,5,5) Error

Two sides equal (4,5,5) Isosceles

More than 3 elements (3,4,5,6) Error

No sides Matching (3,4,5) Scalene