CpjJwWHV's Interview
1877 unique views

Company: IBM
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Its a test of time management,speed and accuracy..
There are three sections
1.manipulation of matrices 15 question (No negative marks,3 parts in this section)
2.number sequences 20 questions(negative marking is there... very simple,try to practice more questions and do
at-least 12-15 Q)
3.quant 12 questions(negative marks are there,try to read question and solve them without pen)
i have written the same paper(model) for ibm internship,then i fared very badly... but cautious this time...

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : education
Time Given : 25 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
our batch size is 12. They asked us to introduce ourselves. Suddenly they said lets us hear each person's opinion
separately and start discussion.i am the last person to tell views... every one said that education is necessary and
supported.. {dont use paper to write points in GD}
i got points on both the sides(supporting and opposing), so as every body is saying yes i said no and strongly
supported myself.

Technical Interview

No much technical stuff...
1.Tel me about yourself.
2.i said i am interested in coding, and asked an example, i explained it confidently.. this is the only tough program i
attempted on my own,so explained the algorithm.
3.He asked about my family details and what have you done in NITW.

HR Interview

1.he started looking at my paper and said you attempt things which you dont know..
i said i attempted 12/20 in number seq and 11/12 in quant and iam confident that i have answered 10 correct in
then he said ok,i think he was convinced..
2.tel me about your strenghts and weaknesses..
3.he gave a chance to ask questions.


Dont worry, be yourself cool and confident,do your work sincerely and be patient.plan your exam and start doing.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Its totally a cool and lengthy process, be patient and confident..
I strongly feel if you have good communication skills you can easily crack interview, but practice a lot of num.
seq,quant,speed calculation...

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