CpjJwWHV's Interview
2208 unique views

Company: IBM
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Initially there was a general written aptitude test. It consisted of 3 sections. No technical Q at all. Just checking your
IQ. Questions were not difficult but time was very limited.Each sec has to be attempted in the same sequence..
1st section consisted of 20 Q on matrices. there were few matrices(5x5, 6x6 etc.), each of them consisted of some
numbers and alphabets and few Q on them such as swapping the rows and columns, locating rows n columns
satisfying certain conditions(time - 13 min). NO Negative marking
2nd section consisted of 20 questions(time - 4 min). on number series..like wat no.comes next in the given pattern
3rd section was mathematical quant. It consisted of 15 ques(time - 15 min).
The last two sections had NEGATIVE MARKING.So,be aware..
Attempt all Q in I sec..n attempt only those U know in the last 2 sec..

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Should the Politicians be Educated?
Time Given : 30 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
The Process is done in 3 steps:
1.First 10 min,every1 gave their opinion about the topic
2.The Mid 10 min..we had the actual discussion about the topic
3.Atlast,the conclusion by each one of us..
Take a piece of paper n pen to jot down imp. points abt the topic...
They test in this round if u ve got the basic communication skills..

Technical Interview

My technical interview went on for 30 min...
First he checked my resume
He mainly concentrated on PROJECTS..SO BE THOROUGH with ur PROJs...
My project being on NETWORKS...he asked a couple of questions related to NETWORKS..then he asked me abt
cloud computing..I explained him everything..
For this round,be thorough with BASICS like C,OS,DBMS,OOPS.....
Have a little knowledge about current technologies like Cloud Computing etc..

HR Interview

My HR went on for 30-45 min..To me,it was the most difficult round of all..First Question was "Tell about
Yourself"..Jus tell abt u,ur education,achievments,family background,ur pros,cons etc..
then comes the actual test..He asked all kinds of possible questions that can be asked in a HR..
What was basically tested is "will u stick to the company" n "Can you withstand in all kinds of situations ? "
Just make him believe that u ll stick to the company n u can withstand the corporate world..
n Be patient while answering all questions
Finally ask a few Q frm PPT/abt company/kind of work,this shows ur interest in the company


Just know about your PROJECTS VERY WELL
Be Confident,have some basic communication skills,basic subject knowledge n be patient
Show interest in the company..U ll easily get through...
All U need is a little luck on that day... put your talent...use ur skills n crack the JOB
Hope all this help you to get through...Wish u BEST OF LUCK.....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It all went well...though it took a DAY to complete
I was confident all the time that I'd be shortlisted for the next round..
I can say..there were totally 5 elimination rounds...each @ the end of apti,GD,Technical,HR n even after filling the
JOB application form
So, U r nt confirmed until they say u r...

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