CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Coal India Limited(CIL)
Package: 5.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion


GPA criteria

shortlisting on the basis of gpa..

Technical Interview

TECHNICAL QUESTIONS .. were from all the relevant topics possible from electrical engg.

HR Interview

1) where do you belong to ?
2) why electrical Engg. ?
3) why coal india Ltd. being an electrical Engg. ?
4) were u qualified to get any other branch in your college other than electrical engg. ?
5) will you be able to survive in Coal India Ltd. with the mines condition ?


!. Be calm and patient
2. even if one is screwed during PI just keep a smile.
3. If one doesnt know the answer then tell the HR tht hes not aware of the answer instead of a wrong one
4. COMMUNICATION SKILLS the major part depends on this only!
5, CONVINCING THE HR tht one requires the job and wont leave the company soon !

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

38 students applied from the branch and 13 got through ;
My rank was 11th among the applicants
Selection process involved an Extempore ROund ...and then PI .. which consisted of both Technical and HR questions !...It was an EXTEMPORE .. with a topic on GLOBAL WARMING !...
Yes my excellent communication skills during Extempore. The students before me fluttered and freezed while speaking. When I was given a chance I was the one who took everything in my hand . I was able to illustrate the best of points with a good database which impressed the HR.
During PI he was totally smitten by my working skills in a team working as an amatuer Jornalist for the college NEWSLETTER and also me a sports person representing college football team !

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