CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Coal India Limited(CIL)
Package: 5.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

GD: GD was like an extempore everybody was given the same topic, our topic was " Various control techniques for machinery". I was the first person in the had a good time and enjoyed it finally we initiated to reach a common conclusion.

GPA criteria

GPA shortlisting: 6.0/10...

Technical Interview

the interview mainly hovered unexpectedly around technical questions. i was asked 9 technical questions ranging all the subjects from 2nd year onwards, the interviewer took the GPA cards and selected the subjects at random and asked ques from them. ques:
1. what is the diff. b/w 2 stroke and 4stroke engine.
2. what is in-pit crusher.
3. what is PMM1
4. a ques on gearbox
5. CI and SI engines
6. a ques from stress strain
others mainly from mechanical

HR Interview

HR ques.
1. where do u belong to
2. introduce yourself
3. why did u opt for mining machinery


1. process was mainly gpa wise selection so good GPA does the trick
2. good command on subjects u have been taught
3. confidence in interview and GD is always a must
4. NCC can give u an edge
5. judiciously mark ur caste because there ws more competition in OBC than in general category

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The selection process involved a minimum GPA criteria of 6 (General) followed by GD and PI. In my branch 9 applied for it 6 were selected in GD and finally 5 were offered the job. Among my branch-mates, mine rank was 2nd.
I answered 7 out of 9 technical ques correctly that did the trick.

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