CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : -- 75 minutes -- 70 questions
Reasoning / Analytical : -- 40 Minutes -- 30 Questions
Verbal English : -- 35 Minutes -- 40 Questions

Aptitude test – it consisted of two sections .
a>reasoning/analytical - probable cutoff 60%
total marks 30 ,time 40mts
difficulty level of this section was moderate. anyone who practices previous infy papers and aggarwal verbal/nonverbal reasoning regularly can clear this part. Some questions were tricky but thinking in right direction will help u clear those questions. as far as I remember the reasoning questions consisted of the following sub-sections.

i)Find the odd figure out
iii)data sufficiency
iv)some quant questions( easy )
vi) Data Interpretation (bar graph)

b>verbal - probable cutoff 50%
total marks 40 ,time 35mts
the verbal portion was not at all easy..regular eng news paper reading helps a lot.practice unseen and sentence correction,blank fill ups from rs aggarwal/vikas aggarwal English book.
i)correct sentence
iii)fill in the blanks
v)2 paragraphs ( one short and one long )
see the options and decide which paragraph has direct questions asked.do that first ..then do the second.
Don’t leave both the para as it will help u clear the cutoff

HR Interview

HR Interview –
It is the easy part.. The HR people are very good.
My interviewer was 60-65 years old..he was very friendly and I never felt uncomfortable answering his questions.
The main points one need to remember before giving infy HR is that be confident..try not to tell any lie..and if u do so have information to back it up..
Don’t look here and there while giving intervw.try to look in HRs eyes.
My interview went like this –

HR- welcome ritz.please sit down
I sat and greeted him.

HR- so what are ur hobbies?
Me- told him.

HR- have u any extra curriculur activities
Me- told him abt my nack for chess and cricket.

HR- u r from a good school..why did u jump to another in higher secondary ?
Me- coz there was no 12th in my 1st school.

HR- so mr ritz why shuld infy select u?
Me- told him abt my qualities..

HR- so give me an example of ur qualities.
Me- gave incidence that prove my confidence,positive attitude

HR-tell me about ur project and difficulties faced in working on that?
Me- told

HR- Ok.That’s enough.thank u mr ritz
ME- nice to meet u sir

I shaked his hand firmly and got out of the room

At 8 pm the list of selected candidates were announced.i was selected


dont panic or tell lies where u are nt confident,
be confident,sincere..
prepare well from ur hobbies, projects ,extra curricular activites ..
if u have marks that go ups and down a lot ..then why so?
why join infy??what qualities u have..?
any other thing s learnt in clg except ur curriculum?

----These are the basics questions that are asked by infy..
At 8 pm the list of selected candidates were announced.
80 students got selected .I was one of them…
It was really a mind blowing experience 
Thank u infosys

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Out of 360 , only 83 students were fortunate to clear the cutoff
among them 80 managed to get through the interview.
i was one of them
Infy HR is the easy
just be confident,dont hesitate,practice english communication with ur frnds if u are nt from an english medium background,
good project work and extra curricular activies give u an edge over the others

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