CpjJwWHV's Interview
2897 unique views

Company: infosys
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Reasoning / Analytical : 40 Minutes 30 Questions
Verbal English : 35 Minutes 40 Questions

HR Interview

(EIE stream)
After the written test, there was the pre-placement talk(PPT).. as they came late.
Dat was for around 1 hour.
Most of d info about d company will be given in dis PPT, which can be asked in the interview.
Afterwards lunch etc.... and results of the written test came out.
60 out of 270 were selected for the inter view(only HR).I was one of dem.
I was bit confused about the number of heads they want to have with them.

I was the first man to be interviewed in my panel.
I entered the room with a permission and a smile. I greeted him afternoon, he saw his watch with a smiling end and told me to sit. The interviewer was an old man (50-55 years age) having bold voice.The smile of the interviewer will relax u at that time, which happened to me also.


intervwr: So PRALAY, Tell about yourself...??(the toughest question in a HR interview, the whole interview depends upon dis answer. So be cautious about your answer )
me: Told.

(Interrupted in the middle)

interviewer: So, you r from Dhanbad..? Tell me something special about dhanbad??
me: Told( Basic geographical features, industries in dhanbad)

intervwr: y u switched from one place to another for ur studies(school)?
me: Told
(Now he made a face like he understood the answers told by me with a pleasant smile.)

intrvwr: tell me about your project, about what it deals with??
me: Started but interrupted soon(as he was not interested in technical part.
Having a stream of Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.)
It might be the case dat CSE or IT students may be asked about the technical part.......

intrvwr: tell how u proceeded for the project when u r alloted the project guide..??
me: Told

intrvwr: how u have chosen the project?
me : Told

intrvwr: For what it may be used in the future..??
me: Told.

intrvwr: Wat r the areas other than studies r u interested in..??
me: Told( as written on the CV....(get ready ur brain for any querry out from the CV).....)
the interviewer mainly asked questions from the CV only....

intrvwr: Wat type of robot did u made in ur Tech fest.....???
me: Told

intrvwr: how u manage to organize ur fest..?
me: Told (mainly Planning and management skills).

Try to tell the truth always,...... if needed u cn move him with short lie stories, but u hv to hv perfect chain answers... for that lie.....

Now he want to give short advice about few of my shortcomings dat at the time i get nervous, i stammer a little bit... but its not a problem. Actually it happens at the time of first interview to most of the guys(as told by the intrvwr).
After dat he told me dat 'u r perfect for an industry'.

With a tight handshake he thanked me .. and told: Hope to see u in INFOSYS.

At that time, i was made sure that i was selected....... YIPEEEE

after that result came out the next day.
My assumption was right...... I WAS SELECTED in INFOSYS on 07/01/2011.

Out of 60, 59 got selected.

I will suggest ..... dat for a company like infosys, its important to give stress on the written part.
In d intrvw, just be cool n calm.....n u will be an infosian.

best of luck........:)

special ALL D BEST to alL the CEMKians....

CpjJwWHV   congrts..:)
Sunday, January 30, 2011, 8:02 pm
CpjJwWHV   congratzzz
Monday, January 31, 2011, 7:42 pm

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No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

59 out of 270 got selected.

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